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The first main component is the AbstractSICConnector class. It requires the IP address of the SIC and the type of robot you have connected (‘nao’ or ‘pepper’). It with which it sets up the connection to the SIC and enables you to send action commands to the robot and receive data generated by either the robot or the SIC itself. The data contains events (e.g. when a button is pressed ‘LeftBumperPressed' or when an action is finished 'WakeUpDone’) or the results of certain actions (e.g. a recognized intent after a speech recognition attempt).

The AbstractSICConnector class is abstract, meaning that itself does not do anything with the incoming data. To process the incoming data you can implement your own concrete SIC Connector class by inheriting the AbstractSICConnector class and overriding the empty event handlers. In the below MyConnector example, you see that it uses the AbstractSICConnectorclass as a parent, inheriting all its methods. Two things have been added. First of all, the on_robot_event method is overridden to print all the events generated by the robot. Secondly, a run method is added that sends actions to the robotSIC.

Code Block
from social_interaction_cloud.abstract_connector import AbstractSICConnector
from time import sleep

class MyConnector(AbstractSICConnector):
    def __init__(self, server_ip, robot):
        super(MyConnector, self).__init__(server_ip, robot)

    def run(self):
        sleep(1)  # wait for the language to change
        self.say('Hello, world!')
        sleep(3)  # wait for the robot to be done speaking (to see the relevant prints)

    def on_robot_event(self, event):

# Run the application
my_connector = MyConnector(server_ip='')

self.start() activates the connection. Under the hood a thread is started allowing the connector to receive actions and events. self.stop() gracefully closes the connection. self.set_language('en-US') and self.say('Hello, world!') are the two actions send to the robot to make it say ‘Hello, world!’ in English. These methods, as are all actions, are asynchronous. This means that they do not wait for a result before continuing. It also allows, if supported by the robotconnected device(s), to execute actions in parallel (e.g. simultaneously speaking and gesturing).

The on_robot_event() method will print all incoming events, which are: LanguageChanged, TextStarted, and TextDone. If you, for example, touch the robots a robot's head sensors (while to the program is running), the events FrontTactilTouched, MiddleTactilTouched, and/or RearTactilTouchedwill also be printed.

The sleep statements avoid the program to stop before all the events are generated. See what happens when you remove the sleep statements. Most of the time you do not know how long you have to wait for an action to finish. Therefore, sleep statements are not the way to go. Ideally, you want the robot device to wait until it has received the necessary data and select it’s next action based on the available data.

Basic SIC Connector

The python Python API also provides its own concrete implementation of the AbstractSICConnector class, called the BasicSICConnector. It allows you to register callback functions for each action you send. Whenever the action is finished or a result becomes available that callback function is called. For robot device actions, e.g. wake_up(), say() or set_eye_color(), a callback function is only called once. You can also register callback functions that listen to touch events (e.g. MiddleTactilTouched) or the result of vision operations (e.g. on_face_recognized(identifier)). These callback functions are called each time that event or result becomes available.

Code Block
import threading
from social_interaction_cloud.basic_connector import BasicSICConnector
from time import sleep

class Example:

    def __init__(self, server_ip, robot):
        self.sic = BasicSICConnector(server_ip, robot)

        self.awake_lock = threading.Event()

    def run(self):
        # active Social Interaction Cloud connection

        # set language to English

        # stand up and wait until this action is done (whenever the callback function self.awake is called)
        self.awake_lock.wait()  # see

        self.sic.say_animated('You can tickle me by touching my head.')
        # Execute that_tickles call each time the middle tactile is touched
        self.sic.subscribe_touch_listener('MiddleTactilTouched', self.that_tickles)

        # You have 10 seconds to tickle the robot
        # Unsubscribe the listener if you don't need it anymore.

        # Go to rest mode

        # close the Social Interaction Cloud connection

    def awake(self):
        """Callback function for wake_up action. Called only once.
        It lifts the lock, making the program continue from self.awake_lock.wait()"""


    def that_tickles(self):
        """Callback function for touch listener. Everytime the MiddleTactilTouched event is generated, this
         callback function is called, making the robot say 'That tickles!'"""
        self.sic.say_animated('That tickles!')

example = Example('')

In the example above the , a connected Nao robot will stand up, say “You can tickle me by touching my head”, and for 10 seconds will say “that tickles” every time you touch the sensor on the middle of its head. After 10 second, the robot Nao will sit down again.

To wait until the robot is Nao has finished standing up, the program is locked by the self.awake_lock.wait() statement. awake_lock is an threading.Event() object, that blocks the main thread until the threading.Event() is set by calling self.awake_lock.set(). This is done in the awake() callback function. This callback function is added to the wake_up() action. Once the robot is finished standing up, awake() is called, and the “lock is lifted”, allowing the program to continue.


Action, ActionFactory, and ActionRunner

To help define the robot behaviors, the python Python API offers the action package. An Action allows you to prepare an action and (re)use it when necessary. It requires a reference to a method of BasicSICConnector and the input arguments for that method. Optionally you can give it a callback function and a threading.Event() object as lock. Note that you have to explicitly state callback=… and lock=… to do so.


State Machines with pytransitions

Implementing a human-robot social interaction flow will go more efficiently if your code could have a similar structure. Most interactions can be structured as graph. Each step in the interaction is going from one state to another, based on the input from the user and the goals of the robot. To structure your code using state and state transitions you can use the state machine design pattern. The most important component of state machines are the state transitions. You define what triggers a transition, for example a button press. You can define prerequisites of a state transition. For example, to get from the sleep to the awake state, the a robot first needs to stand up. For more information about the state machine pattern you can read this Medium article or this paper.

This is where pytransitions come in. It is “a lightweight, object-oriented finite state machine implementation in Python with many extensions”. Read their guide to learn more about pytransitions. Let’s look at an example of how to use it together with the SIC python API. It starts with creating a model class for the a robot that has states and link it to a state machine.:

Code Block
from transitions import Machine

class ExampleRobot(object):
   states = ['asleep', 'awake', 'introduced', 'got_acquainted', 'goodbye']

   def __init__(self):
      self.machine = Machine(model=self, states=ExampleRobot.states, initial='asleep')

The second step is create transitions between the states.:

Code Block
self.machine.add_transition(trigger='start', source='asleep', dest='awake')

If we have an instantiation of the ExampleRobot class we can now call the start() method (trigger) to cause a transition from the initial asleep state (source) the the awake state (destination).:

Code Block
robot = ExampleRobot()
robot.start() # causes state transition from asleep to awake

Before the robot becomes awake it needs to wake up (SIC method to let the robot stand up). We can add a before='some_method' to our add_transition() statement to trigger some_method() before the state transition happens.:

Code Block
self.machine.add_transition(trigger='start', source='asleep', dest='awake', before='wake_up')

def wake_up(self):
    self.action_runner.load_waiting_action('set_language', 'en-US')
