Percept | Description |
| The text from a button which was pressed in the browser (see |
| A new audio language has been requested, possibly by something external like the browser (see Example: |
| A new recorded audio file is available; the filename is always Example: |
| The current percentage of battery charge left in the robot. Example: |
| Provides information about the selected devices when the agent starts. Example: |
| An emotion was detected in the given image by the emotion detection service (see Example: |
| Either an event related to some action above, i.e. one of [BreathingDisabled, BreathingEnabled, ClearLoadedAudioDone, EarColourDone, EarColourStarted, EyeColourDone, EyeColourStarted, GestureDone, GestureStarted, HeadColourDone, HeadColourStarted, LanguageChanged, ListeningDone, ListeningStarted, MemoryEntryStored, PlayAudioDone, PlayAudioStarted, PlayMotionDone, PlayMotionStarted, RecordMotionStarted, SetIdle, SetNonIdle, SetSpeechParamDone, TextDone, TextStarted, TurnDone, TurnStarted, UserDataSet, WatchingDone, WatchingStarted], an event related to one of the robot's sensors, i.e. one of [BackBumperPressed, FrontTactilTouched, HandLeftBackTouched, HandLeftLeftTouched, HandLeftRightTouched, HandRightBackTouched, HandRightLeftTouched, HandRightRightTouched, LeftBumperPressed, MiddleTactilTouched, RearTactilTouched, RightBumperPressed] (see http://doc.aldebaran.com/2-5/family/robots/contact-sensors_robot.html), or an event originating from one of the services, i.e. one of [EmotionDetectionDone,EmotionDetectionStarted,FaceRecognitionDone,FaceRecognitionStarted,IntentDetectionDone,IntentDetectionStarted,MemoryEntryStored,PeopleDetectionDone,PeopleDetectionStarted,UserDataSet]. Example: |
| A face was recognised by the face recognition service. The identifier is a unique number for the given face, starting from 0. The percept will be sent continuously as long as the camera is open and the face is recognised. Example: |
| One or more devices of the robot are (too) hot. Example: |
| An Intent with the given name was detected by the Dialogflow service, possibly under the current context (see Note that when an Example: |
| The rest-mode of the robot has changed, it’s either resting (awake=false) or it woke up (awake=true). See the Example: |
| The robot is plugged-in (charging=true) or not (charging=false). Example: |
| The audio given in the latest Example: |
| A response to a Example: |
| The result of a Example: |
| Sent when the people detection service detected someone. The percept will be sent continuously as long as the camera is open and a person is detected. |
| A new picture file is available; the filename is always Example: |
| The robot has taken the posture; see the Example: |
| A number indicating the current average stiffness in the robot’s body. 0: less than 0.05 average, 1: between 0.05 and 0.95 average, 2: above 0.95 average. See the Example: |
| A quick direct indication of the text spoken by a user whilst the intent detection is running; the final text given in the Example: |