As can be seen in the a30recipeStep pattern in ‘patterns.pl’, the agent is triggered by the user intent ‘recipeContinuer’. You need to implement such an intent in your dialogflow agent to make this workable. See this page for more information.
Enable End of Recipe
The aim here is to design the visuals with respect to the recipe name and the instructions. The agent can thereby enrich the information communicated to the user through text and images displayed on the screen.
For now, your main focus A first implementation is to display the name and an image related to the chosen three recipes, using HTML. A more detailed description of how this is done will be added soonIn the initial GOAL code, the pasta recipe is displayed as an image in the initialization of the agent (see ‘dialog_init.mod2g’), whenever the agent says something (see ‘dialog_generation.mod2g’) and whenever the agent is waiting for the user to say something (see ‘dialog_update.mod2g’). This is obviously not a very useful way to do this. Make the PastaAglioPage rule in ‘html.pl’ more generic by displaying the recipe of choice:
Find images for the recipes that you have chosen to work out further.
Define img cards as was done for PasaAglio.
Define a rule by which the page is rendered based on the currently chosen recipe.
For recipes for which you have not added an image, you may display the name of the recipe.
Make sure that the statements in ‘dialog_generation.mod2g’, ‘dialog_init.mod2g’ and 'dialog_update.mod2g’ are updated as well, so that they will not always render the pastaAglio image.
Display buttons
To indicate the possible conversation directions to the user, buttons can be displayed along with every utterance of the agent.