Welcome to this overview of background information basics. Throughout this course we shall rely upon these tools and not take much time to teach you the basics of them. These resources should provide you with adequate support. There will be two quizzes in CANVAS to basic background information. Dialogflow is a powerful and user-friendly tool to support building a conversational agent, but needs some investment on your end to get acquainted. Git is a common tool used by many coding teams worldwide to develop code in tandem and facilitate its alignment. Getting to know git as part of this course will surely be of benefit to you in the longterm. The resources we refer to below should provide you with the adequate support to use them in the remainder of the project. To make sure that you have the right level of understanding after going through the material, there are two quizzes in CANVAS that test your knowledge on the subjects. We have defined what areas will be tested on but feel free to read beyond those sections or other resources.