Tip |
Before you start anything make sure your agent is connected to Dialogflow: |
Make sure your naming is precisely the same for intents and entities as the ones given or you will run into issues later on!
Predicate Description | Rule Head | Notes/Instructions |
The predicate to filter recipes on cuisines (e.g., Italian recipes) | applyFilter('cuisine', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes that meet the dietary restrictions (such as ‘vegetarian’). | applyFilter('dietaryrestriction', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on the max amount of time | applyFilter('duration', Minutes, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter easy recipes | applyFilter('easykeyword', _, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on the exclusion of a specific ingredient | applyFilter('excludeingredient', Ingredient, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on the exclusion of a specific ingredient type (for example: ‘beef’) | applyFilter('excludeingredienttype', Ingredient, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicates to filter recipes on a specific ingredient inclusion | applyFilter('ingredient', Ingredient, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter by including an ingredient type | applyFilter('ingredienttype', Ingredient, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on meal type (for example: breakfast) | applyFilter('mealType', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on a maximum number of ingredients | applyFilter('nrOfIngredients', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on a maximum number of steps | applyFilter('nrSteps', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes and return fast recipes. A recipe is fast if it takes less than 30 minutes | applyFilter('shorttimekeyword', _, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter on the number of servings | applyFilter('servings', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on a tag (for example: pizza) | applyFilter('tag', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
This marks the end of the basic implementation of the Natural Language Understanding of your agent. Make sure to properly test each intent, entity and rule that you have implemented (further detailed in the System testing section).