In responses.pl, fill in a final remark from your agent about your program in the session closer and add a farewell.
B Patterns for Repair
Sometimes the user could say something that the agent does not understandA good handling of repair is vital to making your agent robust to misunderstanding. There are a few different common ways in which this could happenmisunderstanding occur’s, that need to be addressed by proper repair patterns.
The agent does not understand the user utterance
U: chicken soup
A: what do you mean?
Your user has just said something odd or not matching the current situation and so your Dialogflow cannot identify the user's intention and goes to a default fallback intent. In this pattern, your agent should ask can try to come to an understanding by asking for a rephrasing with paraphraseRequest. Add Add a b12 pattern using the defaultFallback and paraphraseRequest intent.
In responses.pl: paraphrase requests are determined based depending on what phase of the program you are at thus under the context of the conversation (specified as the pattern that is currently active). Under the paraphrase request section in responses.pl you will see text‘text/3 3’, which has specifies the current active pattern, the agent response name, and what the agent should respond tosay. Fill all these in.
b13 Out of Context.
the The user said something that Dialogflow can identify with the user’s intent, but your agent is not at a stage where that intent is appropriate.
A: what recipe would you like to cook?
Think about what feature in Prolog you could use to symbolize that there is some intent identified but it does not matter which one, regardless of what particular intent it is. The agent should respond with contextMismatch In a ‘contextMismatch’ response.pl fill
Fill in all the contextMismatch responses in response.pl. Like the paraphrasing response, it depends on where the user is in your agent’s program.
b42 Appreciation
U: Thanks
A: youYou're welcome.
Your user says thank you and shows some ‘appreciation’ and your agent should receive some appreciation(‘appreciationReceipt’)respond apropriately with an ‘appreciationReceipt’.
Go into responses.pl and fill in the corresponding text fact.
a50recipeSelect: Selecting a Recipe
A: Let us find a recipe together.