As mentioned before, this greeting should occur if the agent does not know its name. If the bot agent knows its name it should introduce itself.
This rule should produce a response that is returned as Txt, and should include the robotagent's name.
c30 General Capability Check
Your user wants to know what your bot agent does. Create a pattern for this.
In the a50recipeSelect pattern, the pattern name is not just a50 but a50recipeSelect please note that when building your pattern. In this conversation your agent should specify its goal with the user, make a recipe inquiry, get a recipe request from the user, the agent should respond to the user's choice and then the agent should insert the next pattern in the conversation which is a50recipeConfirm. To do this you should use the responses specifyGoal, recipeInquiry, and recipeChoiceReceipt. The user intent is called recipeRequest. To insert something into the bot’s agent’s agenda you can use the insert().
a21noMoreFilters pattern handles a user request to not add more feature requests, preferences, or requirements. When filtering the recipes the user is not shown the list of filtered recipes until there are only 15(or fewer) recipes. It could be though that the user does not wish to filter recipes further. The user would then use the NoMoreFilters intent. The agent can then allow the user to see the list with grantPicture response, or deny the user with pictureNotGranted. If the agent grants the user’s request the pattern should end with the agent updating its memory with [agent, update(['show'='true'])] this triggers the showing of recipes by updating the bot’s agent’s memory.
Note: pattern name = a21noMoreFilters