timeKeyWord - words that refer to measurements of time (hour, minutes, etc.)
shortTimeKeyWord - for example ‘fast’, ‘quick’ etc.
negationKeyword - to specify that something needs to be omitted (for example ‘without’ or ‘don’t’)
easyKeyWord - to specify recipes that are not hard to make (for example ‘simple’)
When you are done your Entities page should look as followshave the following entities:
The ‘addFilter’ Intent
The intent for filtering recipes is one of the most important intents. It is used to filter recipes for the user based on a variety of criteria. This is the first intent that employs all the entities we have created. In the user expressions, where the user is asking to filter, all different entities need to occur and be tagged in the set of examples. For example, for a training phrase like “I want a Chinese recipe”, ‘Chinese' needs to be tagged as ‘cuisine’, so this phrase can be parsed by Dialogflow in order to apply the filter ‘cuisine’ to the recipes in our database. The ‘addFilter’ intent can be found in the project provided to you to start with and should be uploaded in Dialogflow by you.