Your video will be ranked by the other groups present in the session. The two groups in each session that are ranked highest will get a bonus (on top of their final grade). See Grading criteria below for how to rank a group. The TAs and teacher present in a session will also grade the final presentations.
Grades for each of the main deliverables will contribute to a final grade for your group work and will be weight as follows:
Robot software (20%)
Design document (50%):
Final presentation (30%)
Individual micro-assignments presented during class (not graded, .5 penalty if you miss two or more)
Note on grading
In case we find clear differences in what and how much individual group members have contributed to the final result (deliverables), we may take this into account and differentiate grades for individual group members. We will use input from the TAs who will discuss with your group each week to establish such differences.