The best way to learn is to do. Although not required, we advise you to do thishttps://botflo.com/dialogflow-es-beginner-tutorial/.
HTML and Bootstrap
You will be developing a few basic webpages to provide some basic visual support for to a user while they are engaging in a conversational with your agentit is conversing with your agent. We assume you are familiar with basic forms of HTML, the markup language for developing a webpage. If not, please check out this https://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp to get you started. On top of HTML, we use Bootstrap 4 for facilitating the development of a webpage. The main purpose of this visual support is twofold: to provide (1) support to a user to reduce their cognitive load (the amount of information working memory needs to process at any given time) and (2) an indication of the progress on the task that has been made thus far. A user may not be able to remember all preferences and/or constraints on recipes they selected thus far. A system that would require a user to do so, would likely not be experienced as very user-friendly. It is also nice to show a user how much progress has been made in finding a recipe they like. A simple measure for our recipe recommendation agent to indicate progress is to show how many recipes still match the preferences of the user.