Versions Compared


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You are on fire!

If you are here, you should have been successful in completing a basic version of your recipe recommendation agent. You will have been able to implement this basic version by following the project assignment instructions provided to you on the Designing and Developing Your Agent page. If you have developed a basic conversational agent, created all the Project Deliverables, you will pass the project, that is, if you also write a good enough report (see Final Report).

An implementation of only this basic version, however, will not get you a high grade (check out the 2024 Assessment Rubric for more information). Therefore, we encourage you to read through this section. It will provide you with some ideas of how you can extend your recipe recommendation agent. By implementing extensions, you will be able to improve your grade.



We can highly recommend more than one extension, unless the extension is a large and time-consuming one. We will rate extensions on perceived added contribution to the agent. Check out the 2024 Assessment Rubric on how we will grade extensions.