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Try to filter by excluding an ingredient. Verify that the ingredient is not listed on the a50recipeConfirm page to ensure that the ingredient is not present in a recipe you select. Verify that your agent is also able to filter recipes based on the exclusion of a cuisine or a dietary restriction.

Filter Recipes by Excluding Features

Summary Description

The last extension to increase the capabilities of our agent will look into feature requests that exclude aspects of a recipe. There are many examples of this, but we will focus on user requests that ask for excluding an ingredient (type), for recipes that are not from a particular cuisine (e.g., not from Asia), or do not have a specific dietary restriction (e.g., are not vegan). You are, of course, invited to extend the agent with other similar capabilities to exclude aspects of a recipe.

A: What recipe would you like to cook?

U: I want a recipe without ____ *.

A: Here is a list of recipes that fit your preferences.

  • insert an ingredient such as salt here

Implementation Tasks Overview



Implement additional helper predicates for filtering recipes.






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