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Table of Contents

Before you start: make sure your MARBEL agent is connected to your Dialogflow agent and you completed the [TBU]Your MARBEL Agent step.

Prolog and Patterns

Greeting pattern without self-identification



When you have added a name for your agent, and the new pattern and rule for generating a self-identifying phrase, you can now [TBU]Run your Conversational Agent again to hear your agent self-identify itself.


Welcoming page

When a user has visited the Start page and clicked on the Start button, your agent should start by greeting its user. But we would also like to show a webpage that welcomes the user and is shown while the greeting pattern c10 is active and ongoing. Additionally, the new page provides the user with the ability to start talking by clicking on the microphone icon.


Terminate the MARBEL agent and restart it in Debug mode again. Repeat the interaction but this time, when it is your turn to speak, say something that is not remotely close to a greeting instead. Check out the terminal again to see how Dialogflow classified what you said. Pause the MARBEL agent and again inspect the session/1 fact. What is different, and what is the same? To understand what happened, check out the Session updating part at the top of the dialog_update.mod2g file.


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