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Including ingredients, meal types, cuisines, dietary restrictions

Prolog and Patterns

We need to refine our logic now for retrieving only those recipes that satisfy specific filters. We already introduced a recipeFiltered/3 predicate for [TBU]Request a Recommendation but there it did not have to do any serious work yet. We only introduced the base case without any filters (an empty list of filters) but now need to deal with the case where we have some filters that a user provided. The basic idea to define a recursive clause for recipeFiltered/3 is simple: apply the first filter in the list to the recipes and recursively filter the remaining recipes using the remaining filters. We provide you below with the recursive clause that you should add below the base clause that we added earlier in the file:


Concluding, either way, when a user makes a feature request, we make a design choice to move the conversation to go back to (option 1) or stay (option 2) in the recipe selection stage (i.e., the a50recipeSelect top level context). Implicitly, we are also saying here that making a feature request dialog move is an out of context intent (see [TBU]Unexpected Intents ) when the conversation is neither in the recipe selection nor confirmation stage.


  1. First, we want the pattern to be available only when either the a50recipeSelect or the a50recipeConfirm is the top level pattern. We should add this as a condition to the rule defining the pattern similar to how we added the agent name condition to the greeting pattern (see [TBU]Greet, and Self-Identify ).

  2. Second, we want to remove any conflicting feature requests. You can use the special action removeConflicts(Params) and insert it in the pattern as a move of the agent. This action is defined in the dialog_update.mod2g file; check it out to better understand what happens. Of course, we need to collect the parameters Params somehow to tell the agent which feature requests (called parameters here) should be checked for conflicts. Use the getParamsPatternInitiatingIntent(user, addFilter, Params) query for this and add it to the condition of each of the rules you implement for the a21featureRequest pattern variants. The predicate is defined in the file; check it out to better understand how it works.

  3. Third, we need agent intent labels for the two cases that we can end up: we suggest using ackFilter for acknowledging there are still recipes that meet all requests, and noRecipesLeft when there are no recipes left. The logic that we need to implement to make these moves work differently will be implemented in the file below.


For the featureRemovalRequest intent, you should add a simple text/2 fact. Use as response text, for example, "Can you have a look again and remove one of your recipe requirements?".


We want to differentiate what we show to a user depending on the number of recipes that still meet the user’s requests. The basic idea is that we should not show a large number of recipes to a user but we can show recipe details when the number of remaining recipes becomes sufficiently small (we chose <16, see also above). As a consequence, we want to create two different versions of the a50recipeSelect page that we created for [TBU]Request a Recommendation : one that just shows the feature requests made when there are more than 15 recipes that meet these requests, and another for when there are less that 16 which shows the recipe details (titles and pictures) for all of the remaining recipes.


Continue with changing the layout. The main requirement is that an overview of the remaining recipe titles and pictures should be shown. Check out and how we already used a card for the recipe confirmation page for [TBU]Request a Recommendation .


You should extend the initial version of the recipe confirmation page that we created for [TBU]Request a Recommendation . The main requirement is that the page now also will show the recipe instructions, the ingredient list with quantities, the duration, and number of servings. Use the Prolog rules you created for steps(RecipeID, StepList) and ingredients(RecipeID, IngredientList) to retrieve the first two from the recipe database and the time/2 and servings/2 predicates for the last two. Add the duration and servings to the card that already was created for this page. Add two new to the page for showing the recipe instructions and list of ingredients. You may also want to add the feature requests to the recipe confirmation page, but we leave this design choice up to you. You definitely may want to put more work in the styling of the content and the layout of this page to make it look appealing.


Try to filter by Jamaican recipes and see if you receive the following:



Done? Continue with [TBU]Confirm or Disconfirm Recipe Confirmation and Closing