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Implementation Tasks Overview

Tasks Focused on Confirming Recipe Choice

1. Implementing Recipe Confirmation Patterns

  • Scenario: After showing a recipe, the agent asks the user to confirm their choice.

    • Example:

      • Agent: "Can you confirm that Chicken Alfredo is the recipe you would like to cook?"

      • User: "Yes." (Alternatively: "No.")

      • Agent: "Great!" (Alternatively: "That is unfortunate. Let's pick another recipe.")

  • Steps:

    1. Add three variants of the a50recipeConfirm pattern in

      • User Confirms: User says "yes" or expresses appreciation. The conversation moves to the farewell phase.

      • User Disconfirms: User says "no." The agent returns to the recipe selection phase (a50recipeSelect).

      • Fallback Handling: Handle unrecognized or ambiguous responses gracefully (optional).

    2. Handle appreciation as a confirmation:

      • In the a50recipeConfirm pattern, treat appreciation as equivalent to confirmation when it occurs in this context.

    3. Add logic for what happens after confirmation:

      • User Confirms: Transition to the c43 farewell pattern.

      • User Disconfirms: Transition back to the a50recipeSelect pattern to allow the user to choose another recipe.


2. Agent Responses for Recipe Confirmation

  • Add responses for the recipeCheck intent in

    • For Confirmation:

      • Example: "Great! I’m happy you like this recipe."

    • For Disconfirmation:

      • Example: "That’s unfortunate. Let’s pick another recipe."

  • Dynamically insert the recipe name into the confirmation question:

    • Example: "Can you confirm that Chicken Alfredo is the recipe you would like to cook?"


Tasks Focused on Saying Farewell

1. Implementing Farewell Patterns

  • Scenario: The agent bids farewell to conclude the conversation.

    • Example:

      • Agent: "Goodbye!"

      • User: "Bye."

      • Agent: "Feel free to start again if you’d like to find more recipes."

  • Steps:

    1. Add a c43 pattern in to model the farewell sequence:

      • Agent Goodbye: The agent says goodbye.

      • User Goodbye: The user responds with a farewell.

    2. Add a final topic check:

      • Before ending the conversation, the agent asks if the user wants to find another recipe.

      • Example:

        • Agent: "Is there anything else you’d like to do? Would you like to find another recipe?"

        • If the user confirms: Add [agent, restart] to the pattern to restart the conversation.


2. Agent Responses for Saying Farewell

  • Add responses for the farewell intent in

    • Examples:

      • "Goodbye! Have a great day."

      • "Thanks for chatting! See you next time."

  • Add responses for the topic check if the user wants to restart:

    • Example: "Okay, let’s start fresh! What recipe are you looking for?"


Tasks Focused on Visual Support

1. Create a Farewell Page

  • Purpose: Match the top-level intent c43 to provide a closing webpage that thanks the user and invites them to return.

  • Content:

    • A warm farewell message:

      • Example: "Thank you for using Recipe Assistant! We hope you found something delicious."

    • An encouragement to return:

      • Example: "Feel free to start again to explore more recipes."

  • Design:

    • Simple, clean layout with visually appealing graphics (e.g., a smiling chef or a plate of food).

    • Prominently display a "Start Over" button (if applicable).


Tasks Focused on Debugging and Testing

1. Test Recipe Confirmation Flow

  • Add a50recipeConfirm to but do not add it to the agent’s agenda:

    • This pattern is inserted dynamically after a recipe is selected, so no need to include it in the agenda manually.

  • Verify:

    • The agent transitions to the confirmation phase after a recipe is selected.

    • The agent handles "yes," "no," and appreciation responses correctly.

    • The conversation flows back to recipe selection after disconfirmation.

2. Test Farewell Flow

  • Add c43 to the agent’s agenda in dialog_init.mod2g.

  • Verify:

    • The agent says goodbye and asks if the user wants to restart.

    • If the user confirms restarting, the conversation resets to the initial agenda.

    • If the user declines, the conversation ends gracefully.



Confirmation and Closing
