Predicate Description | Rule Head | Notes/Instructions |
The predicate to filter recipes on cuisines (e.g., Italian recipes) | applyFilter('cuisine', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes that meet the dietary restrictions (such as ‘vegetarian’). | applyFilter('dietaryrestriction', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on the max amount of time | applyFilter('duration', Minutes, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter easy recipes | applyFilter('easykeyword', _, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on the exclusion of a specific ingredient | applyFilter('excludeingredient', Ingredient, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on the exclusion of a specific ingredient type (for example: ‘beef’) | applyFilter('excludeingredienttype', Ingredient, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicates to filter recipes on a specific ingredient inclusion | applyFilter('ingredient', Ingredient, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter by including an ingredient type | applyFilter('ingredienttype', Ingredient, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on meal type (for example: breakfast) | applyFilter('mealType', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on a maximum number of ingredients | applyFilter('nrOfIngredients', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on a maximum number of steps | applyFilter('nrSteps', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes and return fast recipes. A recipe is fast if it takes less than 30 minutes | applyFilter('shorttimekeyword', _, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter on the number of servings | applyFilter('servings', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Predicate to filter recipes on a tag (for example: pizza) | applyFilter('tag', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |