Written Report | |||||
Criteria | Poor | Average | Good | Excellent | Max Points |
How does your agent work? | Description is vague and lacks detail on functionality, conversational flow, and examples (0). | Basic explanation provided but missing depth or clarity on key aspects such as flow or examples (1). | Clear explanation of functionality, conversational flow, and user examples, but missing exceptional detail (2). | Comprehensive, clear, explanation of functionality, conversational flow, and varied, testable examples illustrating agent capabilities (4). | 4 |
Intent and Slot Classifier | Explanation of intent and slot classifier is missing or vague; no performance analysis or metrics provided (0). | Basic explanation of intent and slot classifier with minimal performance data and limited analysis of challenges (1). | Detailed explanation with good performance analysis (e.g., accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score) and discussion of challenges (2). | Comprehensive explanation, including strong performance analysis (metrics, tables, or confusion matrices), discussion of challenges, and innovative model improvements (4). | 4 |
Exclusion Mechanism | Exclusion mechanism is unclear, with no testing or pros and cons analysis (0). | Basic explanation provided, but lacks clarity in implementation and testing (1.52). | Clear explanation with testing and pros/cons analysis, but room for improvement (34). | Thorough explanation of implementation, testing, pros/cons, and strong performance data (46).4 | 6 |
Extensions to the Bot | Extensions are unclear or not described; impact is not evident (0). | Extensions described but lack depth or clear motivation (1). | Well-documented extensions with clear motivation and impact analysis (1.52). | Comprehensive description of innovative extensions with clear benefits and motivations (24). | 4 |
Pilot User Study | User study setup and results are missing or unclear (0). | Basic user study presented with limited results and insights (2). | Well-structured user study with good results and analysis of findings (3). | Detailed, well-analyzed user study with strong quantitative and qualitative insights (4). | 4 |
Conclusion | Conclusion is missing or vague, with no reflection or future suggestions (0). | Basic summary provided but lacks depth or critical reflection (1). | Clear conclusion with reflection and practical improvement suggestions (1.5). | Strong, insightful conclusion with critical reflection and actionable improvement ideas (2). | 42 |
Clarity and Presentation (Grammar, Writing Style, Paper Format and Structure) | Writing is unclear and poorly structured; formatting is messy (0). | Writing is somewhat clear but lacks polish and structure (1). | Clear enough and wellsemi-structured writing with minor presentation issues (23). | Very clear, professional writing with excellent structure and layout (36). | 6 |
Total Points | 30 |
Extension and Exclusions (see Extensions for inspiration) | |||||
Criteria | Poor | Average | Good | Excellent | Max Points |
Exclusion Implementation | Exclusion functionality is missing, incomplete, or unable to effectively be used at all. Little collaboration or effort to integrate exclusion approaches is evident. (0) | Exclusion functionality includes basic capabilities such as excluding a single type of slot but lacks refinement. Limited approach or minimal testing and analysis. It was completed with Dialogflow or your own intent and slot classifier. (23) | Exclusion functionality works well for at least 2 slots. Multiple changes in the pipeline are made and combined effectively. Testing and trade-offs are adequately considered. It was completed with Dialogflow or your own intent and slot classifier. (46) | Exclusion is comprehensive and well-integrated, handling multiple slots. Can be combined effectively with inclusion. Approaches are thoughtfully combined and tested rigorously, and limitations are clearly minimized. It was completed with your own intent and slot classifier. (68)6 | 8 |
Extensions to Agent Functionality (Recipe Filtering) | Little to no extensions to improve agent functionality were implemented. Extensions do not significantly enhance user experience or recipe filtering. (0) | Extensions improve functionality but are minimal, lack originality, or are not fully operational. They may replicate basic agent features with minor variations. It was completed with Dialogflow or your own intent and slot classifier. (2) | Extensions improve key aspects such as NLU, filtering, and visual/aural communication. They are moderately complex and enhance user interaction meaningfully. It was completed with Dialogflow or your own intent and slot classifier.(4) | Extensions are innovative, complex, and significantly enhance agent functionality, filtering, and user interaction. They demonstrate originality and are well-implemented. It was completed with Dialogflow or your own intent and slot classifier. (6) | 6 |
Conversational Competence and Navigation (Extension to Dialogue Patterns) | Few or no conversational patterns, repair strategies, or navigational features are added. Added features (e.g., restarting, stopping filters) are non-functional or unclear. (0) | Basic conversational patterns and navigational features (e.g., restarting or stopping filters) are added, but they lack depth, are inconsistently functional, or fail to address misunderstandings effectively. It was completed with Dialogflow or your own intent and slot classifier. (2) | Conversational patterns cover relevant scenarios, and navigational features (e.g., restarting, stopping, removing filters) work reliably. Basic repair strategies and improved conversational flow are present. It was completed with Dialogflow or your own intent and slot classifier.(4) | Conversational patterns and navigational features are well-integrated and intuitive. Patterns handle misunderstandings effectively, and navigation options (e.g., restarting, stopping, removing filters) are user-friendly, enhancing flexibility and user experience. It was completed with Dialogflow or your own intent and slot classifier.(6) | 6 |
Design and User Engagement (Extension to Visual Support) | Little or no effort to improve agent design in terms of visuals, utterances, or conversational style. (0) | Basic design improvements are present but lack originality, cohesion, or a clear target audience focus. Limited to either visuals or utterances. (2) | Agent design is engaging and consistent, with clear visual and conversational improvements tailored to a general audience. (4) | Design is highly engaging, cohesive, and tailored to a specific target audience. Visuals, utterances, and conversational style enhance usability and align with recipe selection goals. (6) | 6 |
Connecting your Pipeline | You have not connected your intent and slot classifier to your MARBEL agent. (0) | You have attempted to connect your intent and slot classifier to your MARBEL agent but it has issues. (21) | You have attempted to connect your intent and slot classifier to your MARBEL agent but it has minor issues. (42) | You have connected your intent and slot classifier to your MARBEL agent and completed your extensions and exclusion features with it. (64)6 | 4 |
Total Points | 30 |