Welcome to the bot evaluation section!
what do you think is most important to test in this phase?
Test set up
An example conversation
What did you test and how
mismatch conversation analysis
how did your test go: good and bad( focus on the bad and why it went wrong)
how could one fix problems. will you improve it before turn in or is it not feasible?
during use, what kind of extensions do you think could be useful or improve the performance
how could one even further extend
Use your bot a ton(at least 10 different conversations per person) and lets analyze conversations in Training. Test everything to see if it is working i.e. make sure you trigger all possibilitles, patterns, pages, filters, intents etc.
Write a short report about how you did this and then analyze no match conversations in Training (go to Training page in Dialogflow and filter conversations at top left). How in video? Due to us using SIC Analytics part does not apply.Use Dialogflow Analytics & Training to Improve Your Chatbot (2021)
Talk about what issues you encountered with your bot and any mismatches. Talk about how you fixed them (or would fix them).
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