The next thing we want to add is the capability to filter on dietary restrictions. As a first step, use the following CSV file to upload the dietaryRestiction entity: .
The Parameter table entry should look as follows:
As there can be more dietary restrictions that a user might add simultaneously, the box in the IS LIST column is checked. Check out the entity to see what kind of dietary restrictions have been added.
To make your Dialogflow agent extract this entity, you again need to add more training phrases, and annotate these phrases for the dietaryRestrction entity, and extend the addFilter intent with these phrases. You can use the test console of your agent to verify that it is able to recognize addFilter intents with dietary restrictions and extract the entity entries you just added.
Prolog and Patterns
Add the following predicate above hasIngredient in ingredient_hierarchy.pl
typeIngredient(Ingredient, 'vegan') :- not(typeIngredient(Ingredient, 'non-vegan')), !.
First, begin by adding some supporting predicates to the recipe_selection.pl file.
diet(RecipeID, DietaryRestriction) :-
In the diet rule, we need to find all the ingredients that a certain recipe has and then input them into a new function we shall create below diet, called ‘ingredientsMeetDiet’. diet should work if the list of ingredients of the inputted RecipeID fits the dietary restriction inputted DietaryRestriction.
ingredientsMeetDiet([ Ingredient | Rest ], DietaryRestriction) :-
The ingredientsMeetDiet predicate should take a list of ingredients and check if each one meets a dietary restriction. It has a stop clause that is in the file already and will recursively check each ingredient and return ‘false’ when an ingredient does not meet the given dietary restriction. The predicate ‘typeIngredient’ can be used to check if an ingredient meets a dietary restriction. Fill in the body of the rule for ingredientsMeetDiet.
Make an applyFilter function for it
Predicate to filter recipes that meet the dietary restrictions (such as ‘vegan’). | applyFilter('dietaryrestriction', Value, RecipeIDsIn, RecipeIDsOut) :- |
Nothing we ask you to do here for this capability. It’s up to you.
Test it Out
Try to ask your agent to filter by vegan recipes.
Add to the ingredient hierarchy by adding ingredient type functions and type ingredient lists to include vegetarian, lactose-free, gluten-free, and pescatarian dietary restrictions
Here is an example of a typeIngredient rule:
typeIngredient(Ingredient, 'gluten-free') :- not(typeIngredient(Ingredient, 'gluten')), !.
Here is an example of the type of ingredient lists
We recommend using automated approaches to compile these lists.