Python Connector Background Information

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State Machines Interaction Flows

Implementing a social interaction flow will go more efficiently if your code could have a similar structure to a graph/flowchart. Each step in the interaction is going from one state to another, based on the input from an end-user and the goals of the robot.

To structure your code using state and state transitions you can use the state machine design pattern. See Gkasdrogkas (2020), Nath (2019) or Shalyto et al. for a more extensive explanation of what they are.

Using this approach you can create a whole chain of states, neatly separating each interaction step in different states and methods. It does not have to be a linear sequence. You can create branches and cycles, depending on the indented interaction flow.

The most important component of state machines are the state transitions.

  • define what triggers a transition (e.g.: a button press)

  • define prerequisites of a state transition (e.g.: to get from the sleep to the awake state, a robot first needs to stand up)


In order to facilitate the implementation of state machines, the library pytransitions ca be used. It is “a lightweight, object-oriented finite state machine implementation in Python with many extensions”. Read their guide to learn more.


Let’s look at an example of how to use it together with the SIC Python API. The example is comprised of a basic interaction flow. In this interaction flow, the robot starts by being asleep, wakes up, introduces itself and gets acquainted with the person and then says goodbye.

It starts with creating a model class for a robot that has states and link it to a state machine:

from transitions import Machine class ExampleRobot(object): states = ['asleep', 'awake', 'introduced', 'got_acquainted', 'goodbye'] def __init__(self): self.machine = Machine(model=self, states=ExampleRobot.states, initial='asleep') self.machine.add_transition(trigger='start', source='asleep', dest='awake', before='wake_up', after='introduce') self.machine.add_transition(trigger='introduce', source='awake', dest='introduced', before='introduction', after='get_acquainted') ... def wake_up(self) -> None: self.sic.set_language('en-US') self.sic.wake_up() self.sic.run_loaded_actions() robot = ExampleRobot() robot.start() # causes state transition from asleep to awake
  1. define all the states of the state machine (line 5)

  2. initialise the state machine with the model, state and initial state (line 8)

  3. add transitions between states (line 9) - if we have an instantiation of the ExampleRobot class we can now call the start method (trigger) to cause a transition from the initial asleep state (source) the the awake state (destination):

    • the trigger to a transition is the method that causes the transition

      • in this case, the robot will wake up upon the call of the start method (line 21)

    • the source of a transition is the previous state in which the state machine was

      • in this case, “asleep”

    • the destination of a transition is the state to which the transition directs the state machine is directed

      • in this case, “awake”

    • before trigger of a transition is a statement to call a method before the transition happens

      • in this case, method wake_up (line 15)

    • after trigger of a transition is a statement to trigger after a transition happens

      • in this case, “introduce” becomes a trigger to the next transition “introduced” (line 11)

      • note: Often there are no external triggers to trigger a state transition in the human-robot interaction flow. For example, when the robot is awake and ready it should automatically move to a next state. Adding an after parameter to the next transition as a trigger would address this issue

For a complete working example see .