
The installation process of SIC lets you install it on your local machine.

Follow along with these video tutorials for MacOS/Linux or Windows.

Local installation

The framework uses a couple of libraries. Install those depending on your OS.
We recommend using a virtual environment such as conda with python 3+ installed.


# Install redis sudo apt install redis # [optional] Create and activate conda environment conda create --name SIC python=3.9 source activate SIC # Install opencv to display images, pyaudio to play sound, and six for python2 pip install opencv-python pyaudio six # Recommended on linux & mac: install libturbo-jpeg sudo apt-get install -y libturbojpeg pip install -U git+


# Install redis brew install redis # [optional] Create and activate conda environment conda create --name SIC python=3.9 conda activate SIC # Install opencv to display images, pyaudio to play sound, and six for python2 pip install opencv-python pyaudio six # Recommended on linux & mac: install libturbo-jpeg brew install jpeg-turbo pip install -U git+


Redis (using Docker or WSL)

Redis is not available on Windows. To run it, we’ll need either Windows subsytem for Linux (WSL), or install Docker to run Redis in a docker container (

We suggest WSL, and to install it simply use

wsl --install

after this, you’ll have a linux terminal in which you can


If you dont allready have it, we’ll also need git, install it with the instructions on


Also install conda if you do not have it yet. It makes it easier to manage packages across different projects.

See Installing Conda on Windows.

Make sure to use python and not python3 in conda, as they can point to different versions

Close your PowerShell terminal and start the new Anaconda Powershell Prompt program you just installed!

Then, we can create a conda environment and install the appropriate libraries

Optionally, we can install libturbo-jpeg for faster decompression of images.


We can now download the framework, which is located on Bitbucket. We will use GIT for this, if you have not yet installed GIT on your machine, see

  1. Clone using SSH or HTTPS

To do this, run the following line in a terminal (on windows, use the Anaconda Powershell Prompt):

The framework will then be downloaded in the framework folder. To run your own SIC programs, we need to install the framework on your device as well.

Install the framework itself using:

And that's it! You should now be able to run the framework locally. Now you can continue with 🎉


For some services, it might be easier to run them inside a docker container. Install Docker Desktop following the installation instructions of your platform.

If you are using Linux, also install docker compose v2 (this is already included in Docker Desktop for MacOS and Windows) following the installation instructions (pick your preferred method for installing). Verify that the final step of the installation instructions (docker compose version) shows docker compose version v2.0.0 or higher.

If you already have Docker Desktop / docker compose installed, please make sure that it is up-to-date.

You can now use the framework using docker. As soon as you start parts of the framework, docker will first install the dependencies. Note that this may take a while, for the first time. For example, you can start Text2Speech with docker compose up text2speech.