
This page can be used as a guide to get to know SIC. The tutorials follow the structure of the SIR course.
For each tutorial, there is a short description 🧐, an accommodating wiki page 📄, a video 📹, and the next step ✅. We highly recommend you to watch the tutorial 📹 and read through the wiki page 📄.


Tutorial 1 - Installation

🧐 Walk you through the installation of the SIC framework.
📄 https://socialrobotics.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CBSR/pages/2180415493
📹 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pdYC7OoULU / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lhsTqLLO9c&t=3s
✅ Verify your installation by following / /

Tutorial 2 - Intro to SIC

🧐 Provides a general understanding of SIC and a code-along demo!
Follow to get started with SIC and a NAO robot and then try out the code from the tutorial video.

Tutorial 3 - Dialogflow

🧐 How to use Google’s Dialogflow in SIC
✅ If you are curious, you can try Dialogflow yourself!

Tutorial 4 - Motion

🧐 How to play system motions, create, save, and replay custom motions, and how to stream motions from one robot to another.
📄 No wiki: read through the code’s documentation if you want to learn more.
✅ Teach the robot a new move!

Tutorial 5 - Visual Perception

🧐 How to detect and recognize faces using neural networks.
📄 No wiki: read through the code’s documentation if you want to learn more.
✅ Try out the face detection and face recognition demo’s yourself!

Tutorial 6 - Build Your Own Component

🧐 How to create custom components to simplify and share external API’s.
📄 This is an extensive topic, and if needed message one of the developers for guidance on how to do this!
✅ Build your own SIC component!