Getting Started: What You Need to Install

Getting Started: What You Need to Install

To get started with this project, you (and your group members) need to set up the software tools needed.

1: Create and Prepare Your Dialogflow Agent (One Per Team)

Only one team member needs to do this.

You need a Google account for this.

You do not need to change any settings (you will use the default English language).

2: Join Discord and GitHub Classroom and Clone the Student Project

  • https://discord.gg/26wfcZzDyf

  • Join the Github classroom via this link: https://classroom.github.com/a/s0CtjRHu

  • The first person to join Github Classroom from your team must create an Assignment Team using your CANVAS group number (group-GROUP NUMBER)

  • Other team members choose to join an existing team and select your team number.

  • Add JSON key file of your Dialogflow agent that you downloaded and saved above to the agent folder in the folder where your team repository is and the cloned the project.

3: Install MARBEL

  • We assume that you have already installed Eclipse and the MARBEL plug-in. If not, pleaseDownload and Install the MARBEL Plugin. Please check whether you are using the latest version of the plug-in by using the Eclipse menu (Help → Check for Updates).

  • Launch Eclipse (You can choose to create a new workspace if you like).

  • Go to Window → Preferences → MARBEL → Logging and check the box for the ‘Write logs to files’ option; then go to MARBEL Runtime and uncheck the box for ‘Include initial KR updates’.

Make sure to set the preferences. Without unchecking the runtime option, it will be hard if not impossible to run your agent in Debug Mode. Checking the logging option will enable saving log files to a folder automatically, which will be useful for analyzing your agent’s behavior (conversations).

  • Import the MARBEL dialog manager project in Eclipse by selecting File → Import → MARBEL Agent Programming → Existing MARBEL Project, clicking Next, browsing to the agent folder in which you cloned the project, selecting the dialogmngr.mas2g file, clicking Open, and finally, clicking Finish.

Do not check the option Copy into workspace! If you import the project into Eclipse, you should be able to see on what branch you are working in your git repository and be able to make use of git functionality available in Eclipse.

  • Open the .mas2g file, specify as flowkey the name of the JSON key file, and as flow agent the Project ID (you can find this by checking the settings of your Dialogflow agent https://dialogflow.cloud.google.com/).

5: Launch the conversational agent system

  • Open a command terminal and navigate to the folder (called docker by default) where you cloned the SICproject.

  • Enter docker-compose up dialogflow webserver and hit enter.

  • Open a second terminal and navigate to the subfolder sic-local in the docker folder.

  • Enter java -jar computer-browser.jar and hit enter. This will lead to a new browser window. Press ‘Ok’ without filling in a password.

  • Run the .mas2g file.

  • Check the boxes ending with ‘browser' in the subsequently appearing window, and press 'Ok'.

After running java -jar computer-browser.jar a pop-up should appear like the one in the left-hand corner of the picture below. Click okay without filling in a username and password.

Then a google chrome window should open. It should say it is being controlled by automated test software and display long string of random characters. In your terminal it should say ‘ChromeDriver was started successfully’ in one of the lines.

When you run the .mas2g file in your agent, another popup should appear like the one in the left-hand corner of the picture below. The empty box should be ticked next to the browser code that matches your google chrome window code, and then you hit OK

You should now see a window rendering the browser plug-in and hear the agent start talking. The rest now is up to you!

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