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Below you can find a schedule containing both planned lectures and weekly deliverables with deadlines for each part of your course assignment. Make sure to keep track of deadlines!

IMPORTANT: The schedule is tentative and may change throughout the course. If that is the case, we will inform you on Slack and on Canvas, so make sure you keep track of Slack messages and consult this page frequently.






Week 43 (Course not yet started, but preparation required!)

Preparation for the SIR 2023 course

Sunday 29-10

Deadline: 23:59

Course preparation

Install the Social Interaction Cloud (SIC)

Test script PDF TBD

Check out the course assignment page

Report your test results in this Google form

(see the test script)

Week 44 (Course week 1)

Monday/Tuesday /Wednesday/Thursday /Friday 

Practical session 1

@VU Campus

Intertain or SAIL lab

See robot software part in weekly milestones

Update your Github repository

Monday 30-10


Location: Theater3-NU-2C33

Lecture 1

Hello, SIR.

Kim Baraka

Wednesday 01-11


Location: MF-A415

Lecture 2

I am a social robot. Dimensions of social robot design

Kim Baraka

Read: “An extended framework for characterizing social robots” (Baraka, Alves-Olveira et al.)

Individual micro-assignment (to be submitted on Canvas by 23:59)

Week 45 (Course week 2)

Monday/Tuesday /Wednesday/Thursday /Friday 

Practical session 2 

@VU Campus

Intertain or SAIL lab

See robot software part in weekly milestones

Update your Github repository

Monday 6-11


Location: Theater3-NU-2C33

Lecture 3

Expanding Performance: Dramaturgy for Devices

Guest lecture

by Irene Alcubilla Troughton (Laura Karreman couldn’t make it)

Utrecht University

“Dramaturgy for Devices: Theatre as Perspective on the Design of Smart Objects”

(C. Rozendaal, Marenko, Odom)

Additional video links:

Wednesday 8-11

12:45 - 13:30

Q&A session SIC

Answers to all your questions about SIC

Mike Ligthart

Robot Programming Team (RPT)

Useful resources

Wednesday 9-11


Lecture 4

Talk to Me.
Dialogue Design for a Robot

(includes short DialogFlow tutorial)

Mike Ligthart

Useful resources

Individual micro-assignment (to be submitted on Canvas by 23:59)

Friday 11-11

Deadline: 23:59

Milestone 2

See pointers in weekly milestones

Pick your interaction problem and an associated preliminary key measure See the assignment on Canvas!

Update your work logbook!

Week 46 (Course week 3)

Monday 14-11


Lecture 5

How Did I Do? Evaluating Quality of Interaction

Koen Hindriks

“A Primer for Conducting Experiments in Human–Robot Interaction” (Hoffman,

Individual micro-assignment (to be submitted on Canvas by 23:59) - submit your research question

Monday/Tuesday /Wednesday/Thursday /Friday 

Practical session 3 

@VU Campus

Intertain or SAIL lab

(Feedback from teachers on interaction problem assignment + RQ - in the lab)

See robot software part in weekly milestones

Update your Github repository

Wednesday 16-11

13:30 - 15:15

Lecture 6

Show me your moves. Nonverbal Expression

Koen Hindriks

Deliberate Delays During Robot-to-Human Handovers Improve Compliance With Gaze Communication (Admoni et al.)

Friday 18-11

Deadline: 23:59

Milestone 3

See pointers in weekly milestones

See important deadlines

  • Update design document

  • Prepare a slide deck to pitch your idea to UU students next week. Upload those on Canvas!

  • Update your work logbook!

Week 47 (Course week 4)

Monday/Tuesday /Wednesday/Thursday /Friday 

Practical session 4

@VU Campus

Intertain or SAIL lab

Sessions with UU students present @ VU

Planned visit schedule TBD

Get inspired by UU students

See robot software part in weekly milestones

Make notes on feedback you got from UU students

Monday/Tuesday /Wednesday/Thursday /Friday 

Practical session 4

@VU Campus

Intertain or SAIL lab

Peer-review session

The pairing of the peer-review process can be also seen in the above schedule (UU student visit schedule!

Get inspired by your fellow students

Make notes on feedback you got from your fellow students

Monday 21-11


Lecture 7

I see you, do you see me? Socially aware robots

Koen Hindriks

Engagement recognition by a latent character model based on multimodal listener behaviors in spoken dialogue

Wednesday 23-11

Lecture 8

Making sense of the mess. Data analysis

Kim Baraka

Individual micro-assignment (to be submitted on Canvas by 23:59)

Friday 25-11
Deadline: 23:59

Milestone 4

See pointers in weekly milestones

See important deadlines

The first prototype of your socially interactive robot!

Update your Github repository; commit a first prototype of your socially interactive robot

Update design document

Update your work logbook!

Week 48 (Course week 5)

Monday/Tuesday /Wednesday/Thursday /Friday 

Practical session 5 

@VU Campus

Intertain or SAIL lab

See robot software part in weekly milestones

Update your Github repository

Wednesday 30-11


Deadline Moodboard for students of Utrecht University

Receive moodboard from UU theatre students via slack/upload Google Drive/mail.

Wednesday 30-11

13:30 - 15:15

Lecture 9

We meet again.
Long-term social HRI

Mike Ligthart

Friday 02-12

Deadline: 23:59

Milestone 5

Update sections design document

See pointers in weekly milestones

Update design document

Reminder: Your evaluation procedure needs to be finished next week(!)

Update your work logbook!

Week 49 (Course week 6)

Monday/Tuesday /Wednesday/Thursday /Friday 

Practical session 6 

@VU Campus

Intertain or SAIL lab

Finalize your code!

See robot software part in weekly milestones

Finalize your code and make sure it is well-documented (reproducibility!)

Update your Github repository; commit the final version of your socially interactive robot

Monday/Tuesday /Wednesday/Thursday /Friday 

Sessions with UU students present @ VU

@VU Campus

Intertain or SAIL lab

Present your project to UU students.

Make notes of questions and feedback so you an include this in your design document

Monday 05-12


Lecture 10

Q&A session

Kim Baraka

Koen Hindriks

Mike Ligthart

Submit your questions by this time form link

Wednesday 07-12


Attendance is mandatory!

Lecture 11

Do's and Don'ts. Ethical Considerations

all instructors?

“Societal and Ethical Issues in HRI” (Wullenkord & Eyssel)

Please use the paper to guide the formulation of your ethical dilemma that you need to submit prior to the lecture.

Please fill in Google Slides linked under “Lecture 12” before class according to instructions shared on Canvas.

Friday 9-12

Deadline: 23:59

Upload your final code to Github.

See important deadlines

See pointers in weekly milestones

Update your Github repository and commit the final version of your software.

Friday 9-12

Deadline: 23:59

Upload evaluation procedure and set-up and materials for the experiment in your Google Drive folder.

Update sections design document.

Let your TA know who will run/conduct the experiment in your TA group!

Provide your evaluation procedure and materials.

See pointers in weekly milestones

See important deadlines

Update design document

Finalize evaluation procedure and set-up. Upload the evaluation material on Canvas.

Update your work logbook!

Week 50 (Course week 7)

Monday/Tuesday /Wednesday/Thursday /Friday 

Practical session 7

@VU Campus

Intertain or SAIL lab

Evaluation sessions

+ Make a video of the NAO project and its interaction that functions as a backup for the upcoming final presentation

See software assignment for this week

The experiment schedule can be found here

Wednesday 14-12

Deadline 23:50

Deadline Robot review for students of Utrecht University

Receive feedback from UU for your robot project and the presentation that your group has done in the previous week via slack/upload Google Drive/mail.

Sunday 18-12

Deadline: 23:59

Upload the final video (recall, this functions only as a backup for next week’s presentation) of your NAO project in the folder ‘final video’ in your Google Drive.

See important deadlines

Upload video presentation of your NAO robot in the Google Drive.

Sunday 18-12

Deadline: 23:59

Prepare the poster (PDF, A0 format!)

In essence, the poster should support your final presentation.

It should include:

  1. Key takeaway message

  2. Research question & method

  3. Preliminary results

  4. Conclusion/Further research

See important deadlines

Upload final poster on Canvas!

Please upload a PDF (it must be in A0 format).

You can check the following template (you do not need to follow this one!). Be aware that you need to submit it as a PDF file!

Week 51 (Course week 8)

Monday 19-12

Deadline: 23:59

Finalize design document and submit the final version on Canvas!

Submit final Design Document on Canvas!

See pointers in weekly milestones

See important deadlines

Finalize the design document

Add link to video presentation.

Tuesday 20-12

Session 1:

10:00 - 12:00

Session 2:

13:00 - 15:00

Lobby of the NU building

Attendance is mandatory!

Final presentation

Each group will be allocated to one of the two sessions!

Session 1:

Groups: 1-10

Session 2:

Groups: 11-22

Present your final project and show a live demo of your robot (the previously recorded video functions as a backup for the live demo of the NAO robot). Answer questions.

See important deadlines

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