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import json import threading import wave import pyaudio from sic_framework.core.message_python2 import AudioMessage from sic_framework.services.dialogflow.dialogflow_service import DialogflowConf, GetIntentRequest, Dialogflow, \ StopListeningMessage # Read the wav file wavefile = wave.open('office_top_short.wav', 'rb') samplerate = wavefile.getframerate() print("Audio file specs:") print(" sample rate:", wavefile.getframerate()) print(" length:", wavefile.getnframes()) print(" data size in bytes:", wavefile.getsampwidth()) print(" number of chanels:", wavefile.getnchannels()) print() # set up the callback and variables to contain the transcript results # Dialogflow is not made for transcribing, so we'll have to work around this by "faking" a conversation dialogflow_detected_sentence = threading.Event() transcripts = [] def on_dialog(message): if message.response: t = message.response.recognition_result.transcript print("\r Transcript:", t, end="") if message.response.recognition_result.is_final: transcripts.append(t) dialogflow_detected_sentence.set() # read you keyfile and connect to dialogflow keyfile_json = json.load(open("your_keyfile_here.json")) conf = DialogflowConf(keyfile_json=keyfile_json, sample_rate_hertz=samplerate, ) dialogflow = Dialogflow(conf=conf) dialogflow.register_callback(on_dialog) # OPTIONAL: set up output device to play audio along transcript p = pyaudio.PyAudio() output = p.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=1, rate=samplerate, output=True) # To make dialogflow listen to the audio, we need to ask it to "listen for intent". # This means it will try to determine what the intention is of what is being said by the person speaking. # Instead of using this intent, we simply store the transcript and ask it to listen for intent again. print("Listening for first sentence") dialogflow.request(GetIntentRequest(), block=False) # send the audio in chunks of one second for i in range(wavefile.getnframes() // wavefile.getframerate()): if dialogflow_detected_sentence.is_set(): print() dialogflow.request(GetIntentRequest(), block=False) dialogflow_detected_sentence.clear() # grab one second of audio data chunk = wavefile.readframes(samplerate) output.write(chunk) # replace with time.sleep to not send audio too fast if not playing audio message = AudioMessage(sample_rate=samplerate, waveform=chunk) dialogflow.send_message(message) dialogflow.send_message(StopListeningMessage()) print("\n\n") print("Final transcript") print(transcripts) with open('transcript.txt', 'w') as f: for line in transcripts: f.write(f"{line}\n") output.close() p.terminate() |