The Social Interaction Cloud (SIC) V2

The Social Interaction Cloud (SIC) V2

Installation & Getting started

You can find the instructions on how to install the framework here: ​Getting started


To include a robot in the mix read ​Getting started with the Nao robot


Running a hello world on a NAOv6 robot is as simple as

from sic_framework.devices import Nao from sic_framework.devices.common_naoqi.naoqi_text_to_speech import NaoqiTextToSpeechRequest nao = Nao(ip='') # change into IP-address of your Nao robot. nao.tts.request(NaoqiTextToSpeechRequest("Hello world!"))


Quickly link per-trained models and cloud solutions together using components, such as:





There are plenty of demo’s on how to use various components in https://github.com/Social-AI-VU/sic_applications, so check them out!


Overview of framework structure

To give an example of how the framework is structured, here are three usecases and the code a student would have to write

  1. A student wants to display face recognition on their laptop.
    1 input, 1 output to student device

  2. A student wants to send and image to face recognition and save the result
    1 input, 1 output that must be tied to the input

  3. A student wants to send robot audio to dialogflow and wave when it detects “Hello”
    2 asynchronous inputs (audio, command), 2 asynchronous outputs (transcript, intent)

Display face recognition

Do face recognition on a nao’s camera stream


image = None def set_image_variable(img): image = img bbox = None def set_bbox_variable(box): bbox = box nao = Nao(ip="") # change into IP-address of your Nao robot. face_recognition = FaceRecognition(ip="") nao.top_camera.register_callback(set_image_variable) face_recognition.connect(nao.top_camera) face_recognition.register_callback(set_bbox_variable) while True: image.draw(bbox) display(image)


Do a single face recognition

Recognize the faces in a picture from the student’s laptop


face_recognition = FaceRecognition() image = load_from_disk("picture.jpg") image_request = FaceRecognitonRequest(image=image) bboxes = face_recognition.request(image_request) draw_bbox_on_image(image.image, bboxes.bboxes[0]) display(image.image)

Dialogflow hello detection

A demo that has a robot wave whenever someone says “hello” and prints the detected transcript on the laptop.



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