Clone the SIC repo
git clone https://github.com/Social-AI-VU/social-interaction-cloud.git
Switch to the
branch:git checkout nlu_component
Create and activate a virtual environment:
If you are using pure Python environment
Code Block python -m venv venv_sic source venv_sic/bin/activate
If you are using Anaconda environment
Code Block conda create -n venv_sic python=3.12 conda activate venv_sic
Install SIC, nlu and whisper dependencies from local repo:
Code Block cd social-interaction-cloud pip install ."[whisper-speech-to-text,nlu]"
Run the NLU and Whisper components in separate terminals Start the Redis server + SIC components, correspondingly. (Don’t forget to run a redis server. See the details here https://socialrobotics.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CBSR/pages/2180415493/Getting+started#Step-1%3A-starting-Redis-on-your-laptop ):
Code Block # Start the Redis server, followed by NLU and Whisper components redis-server conf/redis/redis.conf # Start the NLU and Whisper components separately& run-whisper & run-nlu &
Open a new terminal and activate the same virtual environment you created earlier
Clone the
repogit clone https://github.com/Social-AI-VU/sic_applications.git
Add (trained) nlu model and ontology to the configuration folder
. The default names are“model_checkpoint.pt" and "ontology.json"
.Run the demo
Code Block cd sic_applications/demos/desktop python demo_desktop_asr_nlu.py