The Social Interaction Cloud (SIC) V2

Installation & Getting started

You can find the instructions on how to install the framework here: ​Getting started


To include a robot in the mix read ​Getting started with the Nao robot


Running a hello world on a NAOv6 robot is as simple as

from sic_framework.devices import Nao from sic_framework.devices.common_naoqi.naoqi_text_to_speech import NaoqiTextToSpeechRequest nao = Nao(ip='') # change into IP-address of your Nao robot. nao.tts.request(NaoqiTextToSpeechRequest("Hello world!"))


Quickly link per-trained models and cloud solutions together using components, such as:





There are plenty of demo’s on how to use various components in, so check them out!


Overview of framework structure

To give an example of how the framework is structured, here are three usecases and the code a student would have to write

  1. A student wants to display face recognition on their laptop.
    1 input, 1 output to student device

  2. A student wants to send and image to face recognition and save the result
    1 input, 1 output that must be tied to the input

  3. A student wants to send robot audio to dialogflow and wave when it detects “Hello”
    2 asynchronous inputs (audio, command), 2 asynchronous outputs (transcript, intent)

Display face recognition

Do face recognition on a nao’s camera stream


image = None def set_image_variable(img): image = img bbox = None def set_bbox_variable(box): bbox = box nao = Nao(ip="") # change into IP-address of your Nao robot. face_recognition = FaceRecognition(ip="") nao.top_camera.register_callback(set_image_variable) face_recognition.connect(nao.top_camera) face_recognition.register_callback(set_bbox_variable) while True: image.draw(bbox) display(image)


Do a single face recognition

Recognize the faces in a picture from the student’s laptop


face_recognition = FaceRecognition() image = load_from_disk("picture.jpg") image_request = FaceRecognitonRequest(image=image) bboxes = face_recognition.request(image_request) draw_bbox_on_image(image.image, bboxes.bboxes[0]) display(image.image)

Dialogflow hello detection

A demo that has a robot wave whenever someone says “hello” and prints the detected transcript on the laptop.