Services - Restructured

Services - Restructured

Under this page you can find more information about all services that can currently available within the SIC framework:


Note: Ensure you are up to speed with the usage of dockers and local drivers (if needed). Each service will most likely require at least one docker-service running while utilising at least one sensor or actuator. Each service will mention the required services and sensors and actuators for its usage.

What Is (Not) a Service?


A service is required to:

  • use input from a device and/or another service

  • do more than 1 line of code in processing

  • give output that is useful for another service and/or an application

Additionally, it should be reusable/generic (i.e. more than 1 specific application can make use of the service).


A service should only relate to the software aspect of the SIC framework. An example of what would NOT count as a service is integrating both a third-party device (e.g.: smartwatch) and the data collected from it into an application. In this case, the device should be added separately as one, and the data collection and processing should be turned into a service itself.

Adding new services

Refer to Adding a New Service .