


Laptops/Computers provide a large number of functionalities for the SIC framework. They can be used as stand-alone devices, as emulators for Pepper/Nao robots , or as Tablets/Phones/Browsers.

Sensors and Actuators

The following sensors and actuators have been provided in the following format: Sensor/Actuator - driver name (if applicable).

  • Microphone - computer-microphone.jar

  • Camera - computer-camera.jar

    • Docker service: stream_video

  • Browser - computer-browser.jar

    • Docker service: webserver

    • the driver automatically launches a Chrome window that displays the page as rendered by the webserver service. See the Tablets/Phone/Browsers page for more information.

  • Speaker * - computer-speaker.jar

    • Docker service: stream_audio

    • can be used for generic audio playing, as well as text-to-speech with eSpeak

  • Robot - computer-robot.jar

The drivers are run from the sic-local folder and have been provided as a JAR in the format computer-*. To run them, Java 8 or later is required to be installed on your machine. Launch one of the local devices by either double-clicking the drivers or using the BAT (Windows) or SH (Linux/Mac) file. With a locally running SIC framework you can always just press OK in the initial dialog box that appears.

* computer speakers always use eSpeak for text-to-speech purposes unless a service uses DialogFlow or Google’s text-to-speech. Windows and Linux have eSpeak by default, however, macOS does not. Therefore install eSpeak from brew: brew install espeak for MacOs.


The independent usage of sensors and actuators do not have any dependencies by themselves. Instead, services are dependent on them. So, depending on the services run, the necessary sensor/actuator should be used accordingly.

How to Use

An example will be used to demonstrate how these drivers are used. Assume this example needs to be run.

  1. start Docker with the required text_to_speech service

  2. start computer-robot.jar, computer-speakers.jar

    • Important: If you are operating on a MacBook, kindly ensure you launch these drivers on a terminal.

    • the example emulates Text-to-Speech on a robot; hence we need to use both a robot emulator and the speakers as actuators.

  3. run the example


The available drivers have been tested on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04. macOS can also be used but has not been as extensively tested and compatibility and support for it are limited.


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