Tablets/Phones/Browsers - Restructured

Tablets/Phones/Browsers - Restructured


Any device supporting a browser can be used as a browser device for the SIC framework. This ranges from computers, to phones, stand-alone tablets, or Pepper robots. In this way, using services such as Wizard-of-Oz interface - Restructured or simply accessing or displaying webpages can be made possible.

Sensors and Actuators

  • microphone

  • camera

  • browser

  • speaker


The independent usage of sensors and actuators does not have any dependencies by themselves. Instead, services are dependent on them. So, depending on the services run, the necessarily sensor/actuator should be used. In this case, the Docker webserver service is necessary to access the browser device.

Most of the time the sole usage of the browser on any device does not require additional services to be run, as browsers often have access to speakers and camera. Nonetheless, accessing them might require extra permissions to be allowed by the user (e.g.: clicking “Allow” in a browser pop-up).

How to Use

An example of how to use a device that has the browser will now be given. The usage is independent of the type of device (i.e. starting a browser on a laptop is the same as using a tablet). For more information about how to use the webserver service, refer to Webserver - Restructured .

Assume Bitbucket needs to be run. The script will display a webpage with a button that can be pressed. When the button is pressed, the script finishes.

  1. start Docker with webserver

  2. run Bitbucket


  • only Mozilla Firefox and Chrome have been tested on (colloquially: other browsers should be supported too, but there may be cryptic bugs that might make them unusable)

  • iOS Safari is not supported


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