Laptops/Computers (local debugging)
For quickly working with the SIC framework (see Local Installation ) on your local machine, you can use one of the computer-* JARs in the sic-local folder (of the docker repo) to emulate devices on your local machine. To use these JARs, you need to have Java 8 or later installed on your machine. Launch one of the local devices by either double-clicking or using the BAT (Windows) or SH (Linux/Mac) file. With a locally running SIC framework you can always just press OK in the initial dialog that appears.
The currently available computer-JARs are:
computer-browser: automatically launches a Chrome window that displays the page as rendered by the webserver service. See Tablets/Phones/Browsers for more information.
computer-camera: can feed the video of the webcam on your machine into the framework.
computer-microphone: can feed the audio of the microphone on your machine into the framework.
computer-robot: emulates the responses (mainly events) that a Nao or Pepper robot would generate.
computer-speakers: uses eSpeak for local text-to-speech and plays generic audio too.